Thursday, March 30, 2006

Waco New House Journal "Cookie Cutters No More!"

"Cookie Cutters" is a slang housing term refering to new home construction that all looks the same or as the phrase goes: cut out like a cookie. Over and over again, across the country, builders are building the same house usually right next to each other in a single row going right down the same street. I will concede that most of this process evolved out of the need for cost efficiency and the builders trying to maintain affordable houseing, but enough is enough.

At any given price point, and any given set of building materials, character, detail, functional design and use of color can affect the look of a house and cause one to look much better than the other with everything else being the same.

That being said, the mission of Front Porch Homes and many other builders across the country is to build new construction, up to code, that is energy efficient, has character and curb appeal, and is an asset to the neighborhood for years to come.

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